With the grace of Almighty Allah Peak Montessori & High School commenced in 2008 with primary classes and preschool group, later on school upgraded to higher classes with the collaboration of the marvelous supervision and teaching methodologies.
Peak Montessori & High School prides itself on the quality of its educational programs, the professionalism of its staff, the enthusiasm of its students and higher level of support provided by parents and community members. We are an open school and we actively seek participation and involvement from the whole school community.
Our Vision
Peak School’s vision is to be one among the modern, advanced and leading professional institution in the region.
Peak School aims to be the leader in producing high-quality education and best services in the fields of academic. Internally, it is our goal to create and maintain a culture of high satisfaction and excitement among our valuable parental for their ultimate choice of education where commitment to learning, accepting responsibilities, respect for self, others and the environment, is sought.
Our Mission
Our mission is to develop students in a way that expectations of Parents and Country would meet. With combined extra effort of staff, parents, students, and community, is to provide students with a foundation in basic and professional skills, to foster a positive work ethic, to create an environment that harbors tolerance and respect for each other.
To spark an attitude of inquiry and an enthusiasm for full day learning that will enable our children to become productive, responsible citizens.
Peak School is affiliated with Federal Board Islamabad.
Westridge Campus